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Be demanding and entrust the management of your property to us


The most important thing is a satisfied client

A cliché? Not for us! We are governed by the conviction that if a company is to be successful, it has to keep working on internal processes, thereby improving its services. We know that time is money.


Industrial spaces, shopping centres

We stop our clients from worrying about production, logistics andretail spaces, so that they can fully concentrate on their own business.

We manage sitesand facilities for the following companies:

  • Accolade
  • AEW
  • Amazon
  • Panattoni Europe
  • Arete Invest
  • Exafin
  • And others

Office and residential spaces

As a Czech company we have great knowledge of the local environment, but we operate easily in an environment of international institutional partners and standards.

We manage office buildings and residential spaces for the following companies:

  • Arcona Capital
  • Arete Invest
  • Exafin
  • And others
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1 000 000 m²

That’s the area we manage for our clients

Necessary Attributes of Professionalism


The world of technology can markedly simplify our life, but business was and will always be about people. And about communication between them. If communication is correctly set up, it removes the risk of misunderstandings, saves time and money. At B2 Assets we place emphasis on communication across positions. Prompt communication is a matter of course, as is the ability to come to an agreement at multiple levels at the same time. Among own employees and subcontractors, as well as with clients.


We are aware of the trust a client places in us when we get an order. We esteem it and certainly don’t regard it as a matter of course. If a client entrusts a problem to us, we regard it as our own.We therefore deal with it in the shortest time possible. But we look for a permanent solution, not only a temporary one. We want to have a good reputation and we know that all work done well is its own reward, not only in terms of a satisfied client.

Client Relations

We want to live in a world where a person’s word has weight. Therefore, when we promise something, we intensively work on finishing the order in the shortest time possible. We trust in mutual respect, both between individuals and between companies.For the same reason it could happen that we refuse an order, because we don’t have the capacity for it. But we would prefer to enable a client to negotiate with the competition than not meet our obligations.


Every problem has a solution. That’s the motto we use when performing orders. We live in a world of clearly set rules, and if a person can get oriented in them, he can do a lot. We trust in our own abilities. We try to look at things directly and simply and in this spirit we deal with any problems. We always look for the right way and we always persevere with it.


By improving ourselves, we improve our services

We are governed by the conviction that if a company is to be successful, it must keep working on internal processes, thereby improving its services. We have been long-term building a corporate culture based on adherence to the Code of Ethics. We know that time is money. We are therefore constantly working, fine-tuning and improving, so that we can offer the client better services than the competition can. We focus on the following areas:


Service Portfolio

We offer complete services in the field of production, logistics and office spaces and maintenance services provided by tried-and-tested experts. We ensure professionalism supported by long-term experience and friendly relations.

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